Tuhari și Partenerii

Biroul Asociat de Avocați

O echipă de profesioniști specializați în asistența juridică complexă a afacerilor și în protecția judiciară


Ani de experiență

Tuhari și Partenerii

Despre Noi

Biroul Asociat de avocați Tuhari și Partenerii a fost fondat în anul 2001 cu principalul scop de a acorda asistență juridică clienților corporativi și privați și reprezentarea clienților în relațiile cu autoritățile statului.


  • Drept Penal

    Asistență și reprezentare în faza de urmărire penală și judecată. Redactare plângerilor penale. Reabilitare.

    Orido is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

    In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

    That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Orido, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.

  • Drept Civil

    Recuperări creanțe. Asistență și reprezentare în cauzele civile. Asistență și reprezentare în faza de executare silită.

    Orido is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

    In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

    That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Orido, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.

  • Dreptul Afacerilor

    Asistența juridică în afaceri. Analiza juridică (due diligence). Asistența în înregistrarea persoanelor juridice, introducerea modificărilor în actele constitutive.

    Orido is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

    In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

    That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Orido, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.

  • Drept Administrativ

    Redactare plângeri administrative, procedură prealabilă. Asistență și reprezentare în faza de judecată.

    Orido is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

    In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

    That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Orido, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.

  • Dreptul Familiei

    Asistență și reprezentare în acțiunile de divorț.
    Partajul averii. Custodie minori.

    Orido is a leading web design agency with an award-winning design team that creates innovative, effective websites that capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximize your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.

    In today’s digital world, your website is the first interaction consumers have with your business. That's why almost 95 percent of a user’s first impression relates to web design. It’s also why web design services can have an immense impact on your company’s bottom line.

    That’s why more companies are not only reevaluating their website’s design but also partnering with Orido, the web design agency that’s driven more than $2.4 billion in revenue for its clients. With over 50 web design awards under our belt, we're confident we can design a custom website that drives sales for your unique business.


Biroul Asociat de Avocați "Tuhari și Partenerii"

  • Telefon:

    + (373) 22 830 046

  • Email:


  • Adresa

    str. Petru Rareș, 36, of.140, MD-2005

    mun. Chișinău, Republica Moldova

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